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Contact Sparring
For many sparring can be a daunting experience. The concept of putting yourself in a position of increased risk to injury is a alien concept for many, but a needs must to help improve confidence in yourself and your ability.
To minimise the risk to injury when contact training all members are expected to follow the clubs rules below. Please note our sparring requirements fall in line with all major tournament organisers.
Equipment Specifications
10oz Gloves (open hand gloves / foam gloves preferred for points fighting)
Head Guard (top of the head must be protected)
Gum shield
Foot protectors
We also encourage males to wear groin guards and females breast guards.
For more information regarding sparring equipment requirements within the club please visit our blog here
Light Continuous Sparring
All techniques must be executed with good control, Light-Contact is obligatory.
Members should not execute a technique that sends a fellow member down for the count.
Members should not show excessive aggression or bad conduct, this will result in an abrupt end to the fight and possible contact sparring suspension.
The correct definition of a score is when: a legal technique hits a legal target area, with reasonable power.
The competitor scoring must remain on their feet. The technique must be completed to score, unless the competitor is thrown or pushed to the floor. Every clean and well controlled technique to a permitted target area and executed with light contact scores, according to the degree of difficulty as follows
All punches 1 point
Foot sweep 1 point
Sweep and punch follow up 2 points (The attacking fighter may touch the floor with his hands as an aid to perform the legal technique, but he may not go to ground. Ie. He must stay on his feet. Ground sweeps are not allowed)
Kick to the body 1 point
Kick to the head 2 points
Jump kick to the body 2 points
Jump kick to the head 3 points
Permitted Techniques
All forms of boxing combined with kicks to the body and the head with controlled contact.
No contact to the back of the head or back.
All types of foot sweeps performed with the inside of the foot (below the ankle knuckle only).
Rear or reverse kicks to the body with controlled contact.
Illegal Techniques
No strike, blow, punch or kick which is executed without restraint and control.
No strikes below the waist, i.e. leg strikes, knee strikes
No strikes, blows, punches and kicks to the back and to the back of the neck,
No take downs or throwing
No grabbing of the legs
No clinching
No elbow or knee strikes
No kicks using the shin or heel
No pushing
No spinning back fist
No palm strikes
Points Fighting
Every action must be controlled and well-timed towards the front, back and side of the head, front and side of the body. Sweeps below mid calves.
The correct definition of a score is when: a legal technique hits a legal target area, with reasonable power.
The competitor scoring must remain on their feet. The technique must be completed to score, unless the competitor is thrown or pushed to the floor. Every clean and well controlled technique to a permitted target area and executed with light contact scores, according to the degree of difficulty as follows
All punches 1 point
Foot sweep 1 point
Sweep and punch follow up 2 points (The attacking fighter may touch the floor with his hands as an aid to perform the legal technique, but he may not go to ground. Ie. He must stay on his feet. Ground sweeps are not allowed)
Kick to the body 1 point
Kick to the head 2 points
Jump kick to the body 2 points
Jump kick to the head 3 points
Prohibited Techniques
Sweep and kick to knee and thigh (low kick)
Kick and punch to the back of the body or to the top of the head
Uncontrolled actions
Permitted Techniques
Jab and Reverse Punch
Ridge Hand
Side Kick
Front Kick
Spinning Back Kick
Roundhouse Kick
Hook Kick
Crescent Kick
Axe Kick
Spinning Sweep
Illegal Techniques
Spinning Back Fist
Knife Hand
Throws and Take Downs
Elbows and Knees
Low kicks
Sparring Zones
Shadow sparring: Matted Area Zone 1
Full equipment not required but preferable
No contact
No referee required when training but preferable
Ease into it getting closer to the opponent the more confident fighters are
Light Continuous Sparring: Matted Area 2
Full equipment required
Continuous sparring
Option to fight at green and amber level
No referee required when training but preferable
Points fighting: Matted Area 2
Full equipment required
Stop and start fights after a point
Referee required
Light Continuous Sparring, Points & Full Contact Continuous Sparring contact: Controlled Ring
Full equipment required
Option to fight at green, amber and red level
Light continuous sparring
Referee required at all times
Traffic Light System
All team EKA fight clubs implement a traffic light system so members can train at a level they feel is suitable to them. Below is the guidance we offer regardless which area the member choosing to spar on.
30-40% power in punches and kicks 1 min 30 rounds
50-60% power in punches and kicks 1min 30 rounds
70-80% power in punches and kicks Option of 1 min 30 or 2 min rounds